Consonant clusters
Watch also this nice video on consonant clusters by Nicoline van Harskamp.
1. Analytical exercise: spot the epenthetic vowel
First, listen to Miguel from es-pain here. Second, can you hear how Alexandre from Brazil feels about experiencing snow in Canada in this video? Note that speakers who do pronounce clusters may add an epenthetic vowel from their native language. One example is the Dutch pronunciation of English 'milk' [mɪlək] (and' film' [fɪləm]). This pronunciation derives from Dutch 'melluk' [melək], as Tommy shows in Sesame street.
1. Analytical exercise: spot the epenthetic vowel
First, listen to Miguel from es-pain here. Second, can you hear how Alexandre from Brazil feels about experiencing snow in Canada in this video? Note that speakers who do pronounce clusters may add an epenthetic vowel from their native language. One example is the Dutch pronunciation of English 'milk' [mɪlək] (and' film' [fɪləm]). This pronunciation derives from Dutch 'melluk' [melək], as Tommy shows in Sesame street.
2. Listen and repeat: minimal pairs with initial consonant clusters